Sugary Treats
Do you want to know what type of food she was consuming at the age of a year? She used to eat sauerkraut, chia pudding, and quinoa porridge. Ever heard a kid eating all this? Now, here is what she never tasted. Grace has never in her life ever munched on foods that have carbs or sugar as its nutrients. It means there is a wide range of food that she has never tasted in her life. What does Grace think of it? Shannon says “she loves it.” However, it seemed normal in the beginning but there is more to it.
The Results
So, how does Shannon know that Paleo diet is actually good for her daughter? According to Shannon the little Grace has fallen ill only for once in her life that too was a mild cold. Ordinarily, children get sick very easily. Her mother explains, “She spends a lot of time around other kids who are sick all the time – who have snotty noses, coughs, colds – but she just doesn’t pick it up.” She believes the good health of Grace is all because of the Paleo diet that she is following. But is it exactly the case?
A Strong Immune System
Many people would take her as an overprotective mother but Shannon axes all those claims by saying that instead of securing her from her way Shannon clarifies that “It’s certainly not because I’m not shielding her from any of that stuff.” She backs her statement by saying “I absolutely think a nutrient-dense diet is giving her a strong immune system.” The Paleo diet has impressed her to an extent that she even wrote a cookbook instructing her followers on how to prepare healthy meals.
A Potpourri Diet
There is always an exception! And Shannon might sound very strict mother to you but in reality, she isn’t. She says, “vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, fat-free, carb-free or any other food ‘denomination’ in its entirety.” She also opened up about her habit of picking bits and pieces from different food items. She explains, “I take what I like from different food approaches and recipes and adapt it to suit what makes me feel good.” After all, children can easily get bored with the same diet. And what about the day when Grace would break her diet? When she’ll be eating out with her friends in birthday parties? Has Shannon prepared for that day?
Being Realistic
Though Shannon is having her daughter on the Paleo diet, she knows that she wouldn’t be following it all her life. Being a part of society she can’t keep to the Paleo diet only. Shannon is aware of that and is well prepared for those days. She says, “If she eats a piece of bread, I’m not going to have a conniption. I’m not going to not let her go to kids’ parties. She’s going to go to kids’ parties and eat what’s there.” But there are more things that Shannon needs to put her attention towards. What if Grace decides to take charge of her diet when she grows up?
Happy and Healthy
Shannon is positive that the diet she has put her daughter on is only going to help her in the future. She is even educating about its positive results to her daughter about the diet. And yeah, she would let her little angel makes a dietary decision when she grows up. She knows there would be days when Grace would come home with her stomach full of cupcakes and other junk food. Everything has two sides the positive one and the negative one. Shannon was getting feedback from all corner of the world. Some were positive and some were very negative.