The doctor too was taken aback by Shannon’s decision. Her doctor had never heard of anything like this before and most importantly not many details were available on this topic. Consequently, the doctor suggested her not to go with it. At least not for a year. Shannon who had planned to put her daughter on a diet from day one was left confused. But she knew that going against the doctor would only pose problems. However, she continued the Paleo diet but made a very important exception.
The Exception
So, the newborn Grace was going to be put on Paleo diet from the day one with one exception. The baby girl would have breast milk. As infants can’t consume meat and raw vegetables, Shannon would breastfeed her for the first few months. It was indeed a wise decision considering the delicate condition of the infant. You may assume that every newborn baby who is put on this diet goes for breastfeeding but too much to your surprise that rarely happens. Usually, people who put their kid on the Paleolithic diet make sure their kid does not have anything odd on their plate even the milk. During the diet, Shannon had to consult the doctor.
It is not that Paleo does not have infant formulas. There are many Paleo DIY infant formulas but not necessarily they work fine for newborns. Celebrity chef Pete Evan went on to say that some of the formulae even can “cause permanent damage and possibly result in death.” Fortunately, chef Evans had made necessary changes in his recipes before the book got published in order to comply with the legal standards. The original recipe he had featured in his book had an extremely high amount of nutrients that would have proven fatal for infants.
Baby Food
After having the baby off the breast milk, parents usually opt for factory manufactured baby food. But the mother of baby Grace had different plans for her. She never supported the processed mush in a jar for children. She knew the importance of eating healthy and fresh and so decided to provide the required nutrients to the baby with natural and healthy foods that she would be preparing on her own. Well, cooking food for children is not a new thing but for someone like Shannon who was going to feed her child on Paleo diet, it surely was going to be a bit more difficult. And also what if the Paleo diet does not go well with the kid.
Paleo Guidelines
Shannon cooked her meal in line to the Paleo diet guidelines. But before having her on the Paleo diet she used to feed her healthy food. However, even during breastfeeding, she would feed her small bites of organic chicken and vegetables. No need to say, the food made by Shannon Cooper used to be free of sugar, preservatives, and unnatural processing. Naturally, the food prepared by her was much healthier than the regular commercial baby foods. However, still, she had no idea how Paleo diet was going to affect her baby.
Not Your Average Baby
Thankfully, Shannon used to upload the pictures of the meal that she used to prepare for her daughter on Instagram. In one picture, Grace is chewing on a piece of broccoli! It is indeed a big thing as children of her age hardly put vegetables of this kind in their mouth. By the time, Grace turned 13-months-old she had been consuming foods that were way healthier than the ones that adults eat. So, for now, Paleo was doing great with Grace but was it going to be the same way in the long run.