A Blissful Home
Sheila and Kahn are now contently living together in a home they share. The lion does not allow any other to get too close to his lovely bride, and the lioness makes sure to keep her man happy. When you look back on their dark past, the fact that they ended up this happy is so fulfilling to witness. True love knows no boundaries, it is not just for Hollywood movies.
On that same note, here are some of the cutest photos that prove that true love exists in the animal planet as well. Just look at them and don’t resist smiling…
Passionate Parrots
We find amusement in talking parrots as they can mimic and speak to use humans using the very words we use. It turns out, parrots are even more humane than we already thought. Look at these two parrots passionately pecking each other. The love is real.
Kissing Snails
This looks like something straight out of a cartoon. We have never seen snails getting affection ever in our lives. We are sure you guys haven’t either. But to all of our surprise, here are two snails standing on top of cherries, reaching for each other. Gnaawwww!
Dog Hugs
These dogs show that not just human being give the best hugs. Look at that face of contentment in the dog. This kind of affection only occurs when true love is involved. These dogs are very good buddies and are not shy to show their love towards each other.
Holding Tight
Look at this image and try to find something to complain about. If you find anything wrong, it would automatically mean that you do no town a heart. When you see something this cute and still find faults, you need to check yourself.
Laughing It Off
When you see a mouse, they are never really this friendly. When we see a mouse in our home, we usually just aim to kill it. Next time, try to think about their partner, their kids, their companions who might miss their presence. Look at these two pals. ADORABLE!