A Well-Behaved Lion
The staff working at In-Sync were also very surprised to learn about how well-behaved the lion was. The good-natured behavior of Kahn truly shocked everyone who met him. This was especially strange considering how serious his health issue was when he was rescued. He still struggles to walk right and hobbles on his forelimbs. There was another surprise for him as well…
A New Home
Kahn was getting the treatment that he deserved and showed a rapid recovery. The facility wanted to further help Kahn get to his best shape. So what did they do? His dear guardians at the center built Kahn a brand new set of cinder-block stairs. This was not the only thing Kahn could look forward to…
A Friendly Neighbor
This other surprise that the facility kept for Kahn was about to be revealed. The facility introduced these revamped lion cages. So soon enough, Kahn and Sheila who had both been victims of abuse from the same vicious center were now neighbors. They hit it off straightaway and befriended each other.
Sparks Fly
But soon, as time went on, something happened between the two animals. The two became so close that one could suspect some romance involved. “Sheila spent the next few months showing off for Kahn, and Kahn strutted his stuff for her,” Keahey said. They were obviously really attracted to each other. These two were beyond happy to be neighbors.
Love In The Air
As everyone saw, the two animals were mad about each other. Love was definitely in the air and so Sheila had to get sterilized in order to prevent “happy accidents.” The caretakers would often take these two to go on what they call ‘dates’. The pair did not seem to complain at all.
Akin To Human Courtships
It was so heartwarming to see that the lion and lioness were so happy with each other especially after learning about their struggles in the past. Just like human courtships, the relationship between this pair soon went from chaperoned dates to unsurveyed dates, then staying overnight. “After three months of dating, we let them get ‘married,’” said In-Sync’s Keahey.