The meteoroids consist of solid material. The source can vary. Some emerge out of asteroids whereas some are part of comets. And in some cases, the meteorites source out of moon or different planetary body.
Just A Stone
Did you know that 95 percent of the meteorites that enter the atmosphere of the earth is only stone? The rest of it is iron. About 90% of the discoveries are about iron meteorites as they give a tough fight to the protective layer that covers Earth.
In Disguise
Even if by any chance the stone meteorites manage to put up with the atmosphere, they still remain in oblivion. One of the reasons is their appearance that resembles drastically to the Earth’s rocks. In addition to that, they decay fast.
Discoveries Are On
Despite the challenges, researchers have discovered a number of meteorites, close to 40,000. According to experts, around 500 meteorites make their way to the earth every year. And of them, only ten get discovered. The undiscovered ones either plunge down in the ocean or desolated places where they can’t be found.
The meteorite that Edmore had found was even rarer. The rock they had found comes in the recovered fall. It clearly means that someone had actually seen the meteorite falling down from the sky and discovered it a day after. It is a rare case as so far only 1,100 such incidents have been reported.
Very Cold
Likewise, this meteorite must have penetrated through Earth’s atmosphere. As they belong to space, their temperature remains low. In fact, their temperature stays so low that even after surviving the atmospheric friction their coldness at the core does not get affected.