A Dark Empty Lane
She got out of the back door in the narrow lane. She walked for a minute or so and saw a shadow behind a parked bike. She ran towards it and screamed his name. When she reached there, she knew the reason behind all this.
It happened when the boy was hiding behind the front wall as per the plan that he saw something that wasn’t supposed to be there. This was enough to raise the little boy’s curiosity and make him forget about the prank. He walked in the yard towards the garage, to check on what according to him shouldn’t be there. The kid directly walked on the side of the house while his mother and sister ran out to check on him.
Looked Like A Pumpkin
As we told you that the boy helped his mother in decorating the house, he knew very well, that they kept three different sized pumpkins as the Halloween symbol there. What caught his interest was the fact that now he could see four pumpkins. How could that be? Who kept it?
A Moving Pumpkin!
When the boy reached there, the pumpkin started moving, this was enough to scare the little one. A moving pumpkin on Halloween evening can scare the hell out of anyone and this was just a kid. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a pumpkin at all. If it wasn’t pumpkin, then what was it?
An Orange Cat
It was a typical orange cat. The boy who loved animals tried to pick it up when the cat slowly moved towards the outside and got out of the yard. This cat couldn’t really walk as other cats can. The boy followed the cat and finally got hold of it near the parked bike. He could not understand the reason behind why this cat was hiding its paws. The moment he saw his sister, he knew he was in trouble big time.
The Trouble Just Started
When he went home with the cat and his sister, his mother took a breath of relief and finally it was time for punishment to give the kids a lesson. The boy had an idea of the trouble he put his parents into by disappearing like that. They were told that there’s no party for them this Halloween. Also, the mother had to take this cat to someone who could help her.