
PETA volunteers found Boss, a Chihuahua-terrier mix, who was covered with fleas and they almost took over his body. Because of that Boss lost his fur and his skin was visible. But today, Boss lives in a new home in New York where the doctors and many teachers take care of him and he is getting all the love he deserves.




You’ll be surprised to know that the dog you are seeing in the image is actually a pit bull, named Dallas. His owner chained him outside the house and wasn’t given any proper food. Because f this ill-treatment he was suffering from intestinal parasites. Fortunately, PETA people caught wind about Dallas and they took action to help him. After PETA brought him in the shelter, in no time he gained 30 pounds and was healthy again.




When PETA volunteers found Coco, she was anemic and was covered with parasites. If that wasn’t enough she weighed almost half of the weight an average dog of his breed should weigh. Thanks to PETA who helped her and gave her all the care she needed. It was the Virginia Beach SPCA that came forward to take care of her until they don’t find a good family for her.



Holly Berry

When Holla Berry was found, she was in chains and was kept on a muddy surface and it was clear that the owners didn’t give her proper food. Today, she has a very good family and is living under the proper care and abundance. In 2014, she won the Virginia Beach SPCA 5K.




If you can notice his collar around his neck is almost glued to his neck and when was found he was in a very bad condition. He was also suffering from some serious infection that was painful as he kept crying whenever anybody touched him. He now lives with a proper family and is enjoying his life.

Before and after:


This pup was in a very bad condition when found by PETA people. There was no fur on his body and he was sick because of heartworms. But because of the efforts of PETA and the Virginia Beach SPCA, he now has a family where he met his new friends, one dog, and three cats.

