Shower Of Comments
A number of comments followed the moment this episode was put on YouTube by MadWood Studios. The viewers too were startled at such an unbelievable transformation. One of the commenters posted “he looks at least ten years younger.”
Better Looking
Another YouTuber by the name of Lydia Bonilla appreciated his new look. She wrote, “Wow! much better and very handsome.” It was just the beginning of the comments showering the video. There were more to come. Some admired the makeover and some hated it.
Some of the YouTubers compared his appearance with other celebrities post-makeover. One of the viewers named Ignacio Oviedo pointed “he looks like David Gilmour.” Well, he was not the only one. Tony Montana wrote, “when you go from Hagrid to Donald Trump.”
There was also a group of people who did not like the makeover. Jared Dolson expressed his disappointment by writing “He looked better with the beard.” There is a slew of viewers who could not swallow the beardless look of Jeff.
Essence Destroyed
ROSS DUNNE another YouTuber criticized the show. It said, “YOU DESTROYED HIS ESSENCE.” Now lastly, there were some who had suggestions for the show on what they should have done instead of cutting the beard off completely.
Not Good Enough
Ozzie wrote, “They should have left some of the beard.” JP Gomes wrote “No!!!! That beard gave him character!! He looked way better. Wish they kept at least a little bit of it.”