A Snuggly Pup
She explained how the dog behaved when she initially got him. “He was a bit nervous but very sweet and very loving. He wanted to cuddle. It was kind of precious, because on the way home, he kind of laid his head on my chest and just did this big sigh, and kind of melted into me and went back to sleep,” she revealed smiling as she recalled her initial encounters with the pup.
How Could They?
After she took some time to get to know the pup a little better, Paula could not wrap her head around the fact that the dog was abandoned. How could anyone have the ability to discard a beautiful dog like him? She then explained, “It was obvious that this was a snuggly, well-loved, well-cared-for dog. He wasn’t just a throwaway.” This was to her, unbelievable.
The Microchip
And after realizing that there was no sign of negligence, that the little pup was loved and well maintained, Paula knew that he must have had a family somewhere. She was certain that the dog must have someone waiting for him to come home. And the next thing that Langford wanted to work on was to help find the dog’s owners and get them their dog back.
Dialing The Number
And like any other dog that had a proper owner, this dog was in fact microchipped. We all know that these microchips are used to locate lost dogs. She then did the most sensible thing next. She called the number associated with the pup in the hopes that someone helpful might answer. But she soon found out that this number was disconnected.
Background Check

And so after realizing that this dog had a history where he was obviously loved and cherished, Paula wanted him to reconnect with his previous owners. And after she dialed the disconnected number linked to his microchip, Paula did some extra work. She was checking the dog’s background Langford and soon found some really interesting data.
Tiny Bits Of Information
Paula after looking into the dog’s background, was able to retrieve some information. And so after some research, she revealed, “We discovered that he is originally from Colorado. We tried to contact the number on the microchip, but the number was disconnected.” This might have been very little information about the dog but she was determined to follow through with her plans.