Heap Of Dust
As they went on with the goal of revamping the basement, the began working on the ceiling. But, the task didn’t turn up to be that simple as they had expected. “There was a good 1/4 inch of dust on the ceiling. We put up plastic to keep the dust out of the rest of the house, then we exposed and patched the air returns first,” the Reddit homeowner stated.
A Strange Discovery
If you have already guessed that the couple found something else while they were working on this project, you are absolutely right. The task at hand was going all well and good when they came across another more startling discovery. During the taxing task of cleaning, they discovered an item hidden in a unique hiding spot. What could this be then?
It Was A Box!
While the couple was busy working, in one of the basement’s corners they found the mysterious suitcase type box hidden next to a pipe in the ceiling. For a suitcase to be placed there, anyone would get incredibly curious, right? The box had been concealed away in such a manner, that only the person who placed it there would have known about its location.
Growing Curiosity
When the box was discovered by the couple, they became increasingly intrigued. There was a mix of dread and restlessness that took over the couple. Being as the house was built in the 40s and having gone through multiple owners, the identity of the original owner could’ve been anyone. But more urgent was the question, what was inside the suitcase type box?
Scaling For Size
When they finally took the suitcase out from its hiding place, they discovered that it was a vintage retro suitcase. The couple used a toy banana for scale. It was quite a thick suitcase in fact. “We took the box outside. It had something inside, but nothing heavy like coins or gold bars. I thought I might get lucky, though,” one of the owners recollected.
Started Guessing
From that state that the house was in, the pair were expecting some antiques inside the light blue vintage suitcase. “We were starting to guess a lot at this point. My wife thought we would find some old recipes, I thought we might discover some vintage sports cards”, the owner confessed, speaking about how much of a guessing game they played during the discovery.