Special Transformation
The wedding transforms two people into soulmates from lovers. So, it should be celebrated in a very special way. Jesica and Jefferson did have a wedding that would stick to each and everyone’s memory who attended it. You could easily perceive the reaction of people in the video.
Magnanimous Attention
The video gathered more than 10 million views in 8 months making it a viral sensation all over the world. The number is only increasing. The video packed with emotions and sweetness has made many hearts weep.
A Beautiful Reaction
One user going by the name of Ramon DePeña commented, “Wow! It was beautiful. It is FANTASTIC to see a MAN do the MAN thing. It is not beneath your stature to promise your little girl your love, I admire you, and let me tell you congratulations for the wonderful family that you have now. Certainly it choked me up and almost brought tears to my eyes, for sure they watered, hehehe. Congratulations again Jefferson, Jessica and Giovanna, and May God Bless you all for the rest of your lives…Amen!.”
Lessons To Be Learnt
Another Youtuber named Allison Schmelzle stressed the true fact that love does not need any language by writing, “I understood exactly none of that, but I could tell the meaning to it and I thought it was the nicest thing he could have possibly done, except I think he might have freaked his bride out a bit… oops…”
No Language Needed
There was a number of commenters who could not understand a word in the video and yet watched it with love. One of them was StrawbaerryJay who wrote, “I have a vague idea what is being said but just hearing his voice crack in his speech and the little girl crying had me in tears. I wish them the best and congratulations on have such an amazing family.”