Ray Of Hope

For archeologists, the loss of everything that was owned by the Mitanni Empire was a big loss after which they never really had much in their hands to search for the civilization upon. In that case, the emergence of the Kemune Palace was the lost hope of the archeologists.  

The Translated Tablets

Of the ten tablets that had been found in the Kemune Palace, a few have been translated which have provided us with some clues. It can be possible that the city was once named Zakhiku that may have stood for up to 400 years or even more. 

Race Of Humanity

It is sad to see how humanity is in a race with itself and people have become so self-centered that they are so clueless about what goes around them and what happens to things or people around them. Nobody is bothered anymore about something that does not concern them. 


The archeologists try so hard to go into the depths of things that have become extinct or are on the verge of decline. The profession of an archeologist is a difficult path but these people bring details to us about things in the world that we never even knew existed around us, altering and adding to the past.


Without history, there would have been no meaning to each individuals’ life. History gives us a feeling and sense of belonging. We know what we are made of, what the culture around us is, and the significance of it. It is important for us to know how we, the humans, reached the present. 

Continued Discoveries

The discoveries like the Kemune Palace are beneficial because, with the help of such discoveries, a lot more is added to the story of our ancestors and us. The revelation of the Kemune Palace has been an astounding discovery that has added up to the less known facts about the Mitanni Empire and we hope the palace emerges from the river soon again so that more can be revealed about the history of the civilizations.