Words Of Appreciation

“Yes we need more people to help each other out, you never can tell when you might need help yourself thank you young man and you made me proud that your parents did a good job.”- Barbara Spezia. While another woman named Elisabeth Gaunt wrote “it’s called compassion, being a human being. It’s sad how little of we see in the world today, kudos for Dan.”

A Silver Lining

There have been times when nature strikes without giving any prior warning, leaving its target demented and helpless. There are a very few stories that inspire us and fill us with hope amid all the stories of loss and destruction and incredibly the story of Joanie and Dan turned out to be the only exception in the case of Storm Doris.

We Are Friends Now

We all know how Joanie later visited Dan and brought him a box of chocolate but it wasn’t just for the sake of returning the favor. Despite the generation gap between the two, they jelled up really good. They certainly weren’t meeting for the last time and the two had a lot to catch up after everything happened. 

Be Kind To Others

One can’t tell how a little sweet gesture can make an ever-lasting impact on someone’s life and it is high time that we learn from such stories that a small act of kindness can go a long way. Who knows what would have happened if it wasn’t for Dan and his act of kindness. If a small action taken by you can even make the slightest of change in someone’s life for the good, you shouldn’t think once before acting upon it. Who knows you might end up getting in trouble yourself.