The wife had a shoebox that she had bought with her after marriage. But what was inside the shoebox was never known to the husband. There had been just two rules that the husband was to follow: to never ask about the box and to never look inside it.
The couple trusted each other blindly. There was nothing that the two did not share with one another. But this was one exception the wife had never told her husband about. And now that she only had a few days left, she did not want to leave the world with her secret.
The shoe box was the wife’s secret possession and she had kept it above her cupboard all these years. And now she had finally asked her husband to get the box to her in the hospital to reveal the secret.
The husband had a very understanding nature and he knew his limits. There could’ve been something in the box that the wife did not want to share and that was okay for him. Yes, he had scratched his head for many years to think what could be in the box but never tried to peep inside.
The man brought the box to the wife in the hospital bed and she asked him to open it. He had never questioned her about what was in the box once she had stated that she wanted privacy in the matter. But now it was time.
No Fights
There had hardly ever been a day when the couple had any arguments. It was a ‘rarely ever fighting and always happy together’ kind of relationship that the two had. For them, they had spent 60 years of happiness and nothing else.