People who lived near Bruce’s house and the ones who helped him in digging and dropping the buses in the pit were all confused as to what he was up to. They asked him several times, but there were no answers from his side.
As if collecting 42 school buses and digging a pit to put them in was not weird enough for everyone to witness, that Bruce went on with his next step which made things even more out of the scope of a normal human’s imagination.
With his next step, Bruce covered the buses completely. All 42 buses were hidden 14 feet deep inside the earth. And when you will find out the purpose behind all of Bruce’s planning, you will be dumbstruck.
No Show-Off
Usually, people collect valuables or antiques because they enjoy doing so or they want to show it off to other people. But Bruce’s case was very different. He did not want to show his planning off to anyone, he had a much greater purpose.
The buses had been covered with two feet of solid concrete and sunlight would never enter the windows of those buses again. After that, Bruce opened up each bus and started connecting each one with the other. What was he going to do next?
When all the buses were opened from sides, they connected with each other and formed a huge maze. It was so huge that it turned out to be North America’s most massive underground structure.