When You Realize This Is Only 1 Photo

This photo is a perfect example of optical illusion. The straight lining of the river is the reason behind this. Also, the clouds contribute to it. Anyway, must have been nothing less of magic to see this in live.

Ball Lightning

Ball lightning is caused by some reasons we aren’t aware of. Not just us but the scientists have no explanation for this. Ball lightning doesn’t just disappear in a split-second. In fact, it is in the sky for a few seconds and leaves a strong sulfur smell behind after explosion.

Sunset Over The Giza Pyramids

Why the Ancient Egyptians made a big deal out of Giza and pyramids seems to make sense now. This is one of the beautiful sunset images of the pyramids, and how accurately it is formed keeping the sun’s routes in mind.

White Bat Kids

Please keep your Batman thoughts aside as Not all bats are black. We are introducing you with Honduran white bats. They are furry instead of skinny, stay on the leaves of plants instead of dark areas, and are frugivore (eat fruits), not bloodsuckers. They are one of the six white bat species to be discovered. 

Deep Sea Jellyfish

Jellyfish are marine animals no brains, blood, and bones. They live in fresh as well as salty water. Jellyfish have evolved with some fascinating tricks. They can become bioluminescent by the use of a green fluorescent protein. No matter how tempting they look, it’s better to maintain distance from them. They are deadly as their sting can cause irritation and in the worst case scenario, if its a Box jellyfish, it’s venom can kill a group of people.

Supercell Storm Near Howard, Kansas

It’s clearly visible that this is not an ordinary thunderstorm. This type come under the category of a supercell thunderstorm. Often occurring in South America, where people also know it by the name of Tornado Corrido. So far, the longest they have lasted is 4 hours.