
First of all, we are not making you look at a picture upside down. The spiky region you see in this picture is known as penitentes. Every piece is almost 4m tall. Such structures generally appear in the high-altitude regions like the glaciers of the Andes mountains. Sometimes, when the sun is bright enough on the top of the glaciers, it causes the ice to evaporate. well, this formation leads to even faster and wider evaporation.

Light Poles

15. Light Poles

This amazing phenomenon appears during winters ( -20°C or lower) in the sky of the big cities. It usually occurs when the atmosphere is filled with teeny tiny ice crystals and low speed or no wind at all.

The Hessdalen Light

19. The Hessdalen Light

Hessdalen Light is one of the countable things that occurred on this planet but our scientists have no explanation for it. It started in the year 1982 when these lights started to appear in the sky at least 15 to 20 times/week. For another two years, it kept on appearing with the same rate. Nowadays the unexplained Hessdalen lights appear from 10 to 20 times each year.


Spiders generally leave the eggs but wolf spider is different from the rest of them. Wolf spider, unlike other spider species, carry the eggs on its back. The baby spiders stay on their mother’s back until they are big enough to hunt for their meal. So, this is a close up photo of mama spidey carrying her baby spideys on her back.


20. Brinicles

What’s a huge ice spike doing under water? Okay, time to read it attentively if you want to understand the concept of Brinicles. It occurs in the north and south poles when the salty seawater gets collected under the frozen sheet of water. What makes this water sink is the fact that it’s not only cold and salty but also denser than the fresh water and the sea water underneath it. This mixed brine then starts to sink passing by the seawater. On its way to the bottom of the ocean, the freshwater too freezes by the cold salty water resulting in a large icicle under the surface.

Earthquake Lights

21. Earthquake Lights

Earthquake lights only existed in tales for the scientists until 1965, when someone clicked a picture and it was no myth. Discovered during the Matsushiro earthquake, Japan the seismologists around the world finally admitted its existence. So far, they are unable to explain the earthquake lights and call the reason for its cause as “an unknown mechanism.”