Fire Rainbows

5. Fire Rainbows

Their name is quite misguiding as this phenomenon has nothing to do with either fire or rainbow. The first condition that is necessary for the formation of fire rainbows is that the sun should be at least 58 degrees above the lands, the second condition is that cirrus clouds carrying plate-shaped ice crystals should be in the sky. The refraction makes it look like the clouds are on fire.

Fire Whirls

8. Fire Whirls

Fire whirls or fire devil or fire tornado, are the very rare and unnatural concept. Yet they are part of nature. It happens when the flames come in contact with a tornado. It mostly occurs in the cases of fire bushes.

Finnish Lapland

9. Finnish LaplandWe give you a chance to guess what it is. Okay, we can’t keep it inside anymore. These are trees of the Finnish Lapland area where the freezing weather and snow winds are normal. What might look like scary statues are actually life-givers.

Sun Dogs

10. Sun Dogs

Sun dogs will always appear in a pair. Looking like they are encircling the sun. They are the result of light refraction. In case, they are brighter than they are in this picture, it will give you a feel like you are looking at three suns at the same time. It will normally occur at a time when the sun is low in the sky.


11. Skypunch

A Skypunch or a punch hole cloud is formed when the temperature of the water goes below the freezing rate. However, the water is unable to freeze because of the lack of ice-nucleation particles. The forming of the ice crystals creates a domino effect, due to the Bergeron process, which will cause the evaporation of the water droplets around the crystals leaving a huge and mostly round hole in the cloud.

Columnar Basalt

13. Columnar Basalt

These formations are not man-made. They are the result of the lava flowing through the cracks and cooling down in a perpendicular direction to the primary flow. Columnar basalt clusters are spread worldwide. People even climb them.