Volcano Eruption In Chile

Although Chile’s Calbuco Volcano is encircled in a National Reserve. Still to be on a safe side more than 1500 people were relocated during April 2015. The Calbuco volcano is located in a region known as the Ring of Fire. Over the past 11,0000 years, all the major volcanic eruptions took place in the Ring of fire except three.

Stubby Elephant Baby

Babies are like that, be it a human baby or an elephant baby. This baby elephant is throwing tantrums like a boss baby here. His mother standing by his side must be experiencing a hard time dealing with her kid. Isn’t this photo sweet enough to make your day? 

Wars Of Water

On one side is the fresh glacier water while on the other side, the water of the Gulf of Alaska. It takes time for the salty ocean water to mix with other kinds of water. So, this picture is true and reasonable.

Where Did Everybody Go?

This is one of the pictures that shows the drastic disturbance that humans are causing in wildlife. Bears often barge into backyards and playgrounds that are close to the forests. Bears are curious by nature and love to explore their surroundings and this young guy seems to be waiting for his mommy.

Water Spout In Tampa Bay

Stormy weather isn’t required for water spouts as they can originate on the water surface and whirl towards the clouds. As soon as the water spout is formed, a funnel cloud starts to appear. They are the first step of the cumulus clouds. They do not travel very far as they are formed when the wind is low. 

Snow Donuts

4. Snow Donuts

Formed in specific temperature conditions, these snow donuts are very special. Well, there’s a possibility that you’ll still choose a regular donut over these and that seems perfect to us. When a heap of snow falls from the mountain or is blown by the wind, causing a snowball. Well, this case is special as the middle portion of the snowballs collapsed resulting in a 26 inches (66 cm) tall donut.