What we have here is a list of funny windshield letters which were left by people on the owner’s car because of some personal reasons. But we are sure that these notes would surely tickle your funny bone. There are few which are really fun to read. We don’t know about the owners who read them but we really enjoyed all of them. So, here are the best windshield notes and believe us you’ll love all of them.

You Don’t Park Like This

Learning how to drive a car is really simple but the most difficult part is of driving it is the way you park the car. We can all agree that getting a good parking spot is really tough. You should feel really lucky if you found one because there are some who just park their car anywhere when they don’t get a parking spot. Just like this person who parked his car in such a way that it resulted in this note from the other person. We think it’s time you learned how to park because if you don’t then be ready to get this sweet note one day.

It’s That Simple


“Brace yourself, Winter is coming” is not just another catchy sentence from the famous TV series Game of Thrones, but it has become another term for the people who lose their senses on the road. It is very important to stay alert in the snowy season when you know that temperatures drop really fast and to a point where you can see the layer of snow covering your car and other things.

What A Superstar


It’s a human tendency to write an important thing in bold letters or underlining it to tell ourselves that this thing is important and serious. This note was written in bold letters and going by the human tendency we think this person was in fun mood when he wrote this note.

Park Well Maybe

Do you remember pop star Carly Rae Jepsen’s hit song “Call Me Maybe?” This song was a hit in 2012. The writer of this not might have been listening to this song on a loop and when this got out of hands, this was the result. It was a fun song, right? But who could have thought that there is creativity in every other person hidden deep inside behind the gates of your heart waiting for exactly this kind of situations?

Itsy Bitsy Turtle


When things seem a little too difficult, it is always better to follow a simple approach. This guy who responded to this other person’s driving skill left this sweet full of sarcasm note on the windshield which is literally screaming the frustration of this person but in a subtle way. You don’t find such level of patience anymore.

Grumpy Cat Don’t Like You


We all have seen the Grumpy Cat meme, as it could be seen on every major social media platforms out there. This person who left the note was aware of the Grumpy Cat meme and he decided to teach this other person a lesson through his drawing skills and famous meme. There was no better way to teach the person a lesson of a lifetime and we hope he has learned his lesson.