It is believed that the early species of humans used mammoths tusks for varied purposes such as for hunting basically due to their sharp structure and also for carving. Even certain tools were made using their tusks and also they were hunted by early humans for food.
Old Heritage
The news of the excavation of the bone spread like wildfire so was the popularity of Kirk and Scout too. How often does an ancient mammoth tooth get discovered? It was indeed an extraordinary circumstance in which the tooth was found in the backyard.
Paleontologist’s Perspective
Due to the abundant amount of woolly mammoths found in that area, the tooth was of one the ancient mammoths that might have had their shelter where Kirk was residing now and due to unfortunate climatic changes or timely death of the giant mammoth, it must have gotten buried under the ground with the passage of time.
Why The Tooth Only?
The one question that crossed everyone’s mind was would there be any more bones of the ancient mammoth. “[Teeth] typically preserve more than other parts of the mammoth,” as explained by Andrea Godinez, Marketing Director for the Burke Museum.
More Excavation To Come?
With the discovery of one ancient tooth, there were several questions still unanswered. Will there be more bones of the giant woolly mammoth or this was the one of the last heritage of the giant species? But all the answers lay either under the ground or with the paleontologists.
Another Discovery
Before Kirk’s pup, Scout found the bone of a mammoth, an expert in the paleontology department in Museum said that in December 2010 a similar incident took place when a girl named Cecilia who was 10 years old at that time found a similar mammoth tooth while roaming around on the Whidbey Island with her dad.