What Was That Object?
As Scout saw Kirk coming out of the room, he ran towards him, wagging his tail, the pup put the stone-like object in front of Kirk’s foot. Still, in a dilemma, Kirk bent down to have a closer look at the object and held up that rusty, stinky object in his hands and tried evaluating what it might be. After coming to no conclusion for the same, he left the stone to the pup and went on with his day.
Omnipresent Stone
Several days after the incident, Kirk noticed that the pup still hasn’t got over with the stone and he is carrying that stinky thing everywhere. He tried to make him leave the stone, but couldn’t succeed. With every other day passing the pup seemed just as enamored with that shabby piece of stone as the day before.
Suspicion Still Remains
Kirk became doubtful about the shabby looking object, as he was unable to get any answers he thought about giving him a closer look. So this time, he took the stone in his hands and washed it thoroughly, it took days for the worn-out stone to dry up, but Kirk had to wait to see what the object actually was.
Confusions Prevailed
Even after drying up, it was difficult for Kirk to make out what the object actually was. But about one thing he was sure that the stone was no ordinary stone or just a mere piece of rock that would have left out while constructing the house, but if it wasn’t, what was it?
No Explanation Found
“Part of it looked like a bone and had a covering over it and was partly worn-off,” Kirk said. Now, when Kirk was done with his research, he knew he has to reach out to an expert explanation to get answers to all the theories that were cooking-up in his mind because it was obvious the stone he was carrying was no ordinary stone.
Experts Intervention
Subsequent Days of mugging up about the object, he finally took some pictures of the stone and sent them to experts in the University of Washington’s Burke Museum and waited for the paleontologist to reply. Now, he knew that he’ll be getting an explanation to what the object really was.