Playing Catches All-day
Whenever Kirk was free from all the chores, he and Scout would go out to play catch and throw. Gradually, Scout started to like it and would catch the frisbee thrown at any height. When Kirk used to challenge him by throwing it to unbelievable heights, he would catch the frisbee never disappointing him.
Digging The Backyard
Besides playing catch and throw, Scout loved digging the backyard. Whenever Kirk was not in sight, he used to get engrossed in the act until the owner had to come out and take him inside. Sometimes Kirk used to get annoyed with this habit of Scout’s but being the mischievous pup that he was Scout used to get back to digging whenever Kirk got busy with his work.
Neighbors And Scout
Due to his amiable nature, he was always the center of attraction of the neighbors. Soon after his arrival at Kirk’s house, he became a darling of all the living in the vicinity. Every time, Kirk used to take Scout for a walk, he used to greet everyone with his jaunty bark attracting everyone’s attention nearby.
With the arrival of Scout, even Kirk used to be cheerful around people and would greet everyone in sight, observing these changes, the people in the neighborhood too had developed a soft corner for him. Kids would come to play with Scout every now and then.
Digging Became A Habit
No matter how much Kirk would restrain Scout from digging the backyard he would do it anyway whenever Kirk was not in the sight. Kirk tried every possible way to make Scout stop his digging routine. He played throw and catch all day long but all in vain, as he was not able to make him quit.
Owner Annoyed With The Habit
After every attempt to make Scout stop, someday he used to get irritated the other days he would laugh at this habit and wondered what treasure he’s expecting to come out of the backyard, little did he know that this normal habit of Scout’s would open doors to such unanticipated consequences. Even Kirk wouldn’t have imagined Scout’s habit of turning stones up and down will turn some unturned stones upside down too.