One Last Drink

resignation 32This does deserve admiration. Look at the creativity of the man. He ripped off the original label of the bottle and glued another one in place of that. The new label is full of messages by the employee who is about to leave. A beautiful way to celebrate.  

Twitter Quitter

resignation 17Ever used social media for resignation? No, I expect! But then there are some people who took to their social account to declare that they are resigning. This man posted his two weeks notice on his twitter handle.   

Shakespeare Quits

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Is it really a letter of resignation? It looks like a paragraph from any of Shakespeare’s work. Perhaps, the man resigning is a big fan of Shakespeare. Writer’s boss must have raked his/her brain to get that this fan of Shakespeare is quitting the job. The only indication is “the end of all ends to my employment.”

This Printer Has A Mind Of Its Own

resignation 18Hahahaha….here a printer resigns too. This model was made in 1999 and since then is working for the company. But the question is how come a  printer can write its own resignation letter. Perhaps, someone was messing around.  

How Eloquent

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The man in this letter has made everything clear. He wrote about his loyalty in the letter and also the devotion that he showed in his work. This one is quite emotional but is unique enough to secure a spot on our list.   

This Is Not An Error

resignation 6A wise employer will never let good employees go. And then there are some employees who don’t want to leave their current job but have to do so maybe because of income or co-workers’ behavior. Here, the employee does not want to leave his current job and so is ready to negotiate. Look at his way of putting his idea forth. Quite impressive!