Finding The Truth

If people were assuming that after two years, it would not hurt George since he already mentally prepared himself for the loss of his wife, they were wrong. That’s the tragedy of losing a loved one. The news hit him like a punch to the gut. The officers left Gerry’s belonging with George and handed the journal to him. The front of it said, “George please read xoxo”

The Journal

George sat down with the journal and opened it with trembling hands. It was her handwriting. She had documented everything, her journey with Jane, her journey after Jane left, how she met many hikers on the way and how she fell off the trail and could not find her way back.

Wandering Off

Gerry went off the trail to go use the washroom. But after wandering off into the woods, she couldn’t find her way back. She tried to contact her husband immediately but her phone had lost the signal. She could not find a clearing either so she climbed upwards hopeful to find a signal at a height, but that effort too, unfortunately, was unsuccessful.

Setting Up Camp

Gerry had no map, no GPS and her phone had lost signal. So she decided to stay put and camped out in the yellow tent. She waited for help, which never came. Her supplies were slowly diminishing and she saw no signs of hope. After 26 days of surviving out in the woods, she ultimately died in her sleeping bag because of starvation and exposure.

So Close

Gerry’s journal also revealed the various efforts she made in trying to escape and survive the whole incident. She tried to make fire, map out the area, made a bed area with some small trees, pine needles and dirt to keep water out from her tent. She managed to get by for 26 days, but unfortunately, she couldn’t hold on any longer.

Last Day

The search party for Gerry was called off sometime around 4th August 2013, but sadly, the journal shows she was still alive as late as the 18th of the same month. If only things could have been different, they may have found her in the woods.