
After spending innumerable sleepless nights figuring out how to reach his wife, George finally realized that he has lost Gerry forever. With a heavy heart, Kerry and George decided it was time to say goodbye to Gerry. They held a memorial service along with the rest of their family, for the beloved wife and mother later on in the year.

Finding Answers

It wasn’t until two years later, in October of 2015, when investigators finally got some answers about Geraldine Largay, the missing woman who was never found. During the filming of an episode for a tv show, the Animal Planet crew stumbled upon something strange in the woods.

The Yellow Tent

A member from the Animal Planet crew discovered a tumbled yellow tent just half a mile from the Appalachian Trail. He assumed it was left behind by a hiker who might have set up camp off the trail. But he couldn’t have been more wrong.

Discovering What’s Underneath

The man could smell the terrible odor and on exploring further he found that beneath the rotting remains of the tent, was a corpse so decayed he was not sure if anyone will be able to identify it. He immediately called the rest of his crew, so that they could report it to the police.

Identifying The Corpse

Once the cops arrived, they began investigating the content of the tent and found a journal tucked away inside. That is what helped them in identifying the corpse as Geraldine Largay, the woman who went missing two years ago in 2013. The news was heartbreaking even for the officers.

Conveying The News

The officers reached the Largay residence to convey the bitter news to George. It was bitter for multiple reasons, George had already come to terms with losing Gerry two years ago. They assumed the worst and had a memorial service for her. So bringing this up again, would cause him immense pain.