Moeraki Boulders, New Zealand
You might have heard the name Moeraki Boulders. It was mainly formed in seafloor sediments around 60 million years ago. They are spherical “stones” spread on Koekohe Beach near Moeraki on New Zealand’s Otago coast. These structures are the result of shoreline erosion that coming from coastal cliffs that support the beach. Here every boulder weighs many tons and has the height of 6 feet.
Inuit village Near Lake Anjikuni, Canada
The whole of the village got vanished all of a sudden. Nobody knows where did they go as no trace of theirs was found. A trapper who used to frequent the town found it all deserted. There were some fires burning around. No need to say the trapper was himself in state of surprise when he saw it. There were frozen dogs who died of hunger even though they had food scattered around them. People call it the case of massive alien kidnapping.
Roanoke Island, North Carolina
So this one is about a colony that disappeared into thin air. Interestingly the weird incident took place just a few years after they entered the island in the latter half of the 1500s. However, a post with the word “Croatoan” written on it was discovered and there was also a trunk with the letters “CRO” carved on it. These all make the evidence that there was someone here.
Stone Spheres, Costa Rica
They are known as Stone Balls. They happen to be a big mystery in the world of archeology. There are about 300 stones. They are spherical in size and weighs in tons. There is no doubt that the stones are the creation of man but nobody knows how were they made and for what reasons.
Oregon Vortex, Oregon
The board itself explains why we have put it on our list. People have been thronging the site since the 1930s. This circular region is known for triggering feelings of vertigo among the visitors. Interestingly, you wouldn’t be able to stand straight anywhere in the circle. Intentionally or unintentionally they make a posture that leans in the direction of magnetic north.
Devil’s Bridge, Germany
Give it a glance from anywhere and you see a perfect circle formed by the bridge and its reflection in the water. The bridge that is located in a few hours of distance from Berlin is extremely mysterious in nature. The bridge is named Rakotzbrücke.