Can Fly But Can’t Walk
We all know about the birds that cannot fly; penguins and ostriches. But did you know about the sad fact of hummingbirds? The fastest bird on the planet can’t walk! This is a lesser known fact but they keep on flying and flying, how sadder could it be?
Love Bites 
Okay, love bites are a part of the process we won’t discuss here but imagine bites from sharks! Scares the hell out of anyone. Blue sharks bite each other when they are in love. With them, things get a little sharp and they do it just to show they care for each other. Well, now you have to agree that love really hurts.
Fearless Forever
A pudu deer is the smallest of deer species on the planet. They are fluffy and loving but the world is cruel to them. They are small that even the Great Horned Owl hunts them down. And being more prone to dangers because of their size, Pudu prefers to run instead of getting scared.
Anyone Can Be My Mother
The reason why ducklings can easily get friendly with humans is that they’ll take anyone as their parent whom they look at for the first time. Whether it be a dog or a human they’ll be their imprinted mothers. It is cute until you realize that they never get to know their real mother.
Scared To Death
Calling someone chicken is actually going to be a big deal after this. Chickens can get scared easily. They can easily be scared to death. You don’t have to kill it to eat it. Scaring it will get half your work done. But isn’t that way too sad to handle?
Cruel World

Greyhounds are one of the pooches recommended for elderly people and can also work as therapy dogs when trained. But sadly, every year thousands of these stunning looking animal species are killed because they don’t seem to be good enough when it comes to “racing potential.”