An IceBox For A Heart
Arctic Foxes stay in the coldest region of this planet and they don’t feel cold. They can’t shiver! Even if the temperature is as high as -70 degrees Celsius, they can deal with it. How nice is that? Or is it just sad? Can we get one of those things to cuddle with on a cold night?
The Life Of A Loner
Female cheetahs don’t need anyone to support them or be with them. Female Cheetahs live lonely lives as they grow up to be strong and can easily hunt for themselves thanks to their speed which no one can beat. Now, humans can also understand it as their decision to stay alone.
The Toothy Truth 
If you have ever seen a squirrel closely you might have noticed that the tiny animal keeps on doing something with its mouth. Ever wondered why so? The reason behind is that their teeth never stop growing and in order to keep them from growing any further they have to keep chewing all the time.
Inside Womb Battle
For the Sand Tiger Shark, the cruel world starts making it impact right from the womb itself. The babies fight inside their mother’s womb to survive. The baby that finally comes out of its mother womb makes it way out after killing its sibling and eating it. An early age to get into fights.
The Odds Are Stacked
If you are a bunny’s owner, make your heart strong before you read this. The fluffy creatures have very less chance to grow up to be an adult. In fact, only one out of every seven bunnies is able to live the life of an adult.
Mark Territory With Tears
Tears are precious but not to everyone. Dik-dik the tiny creature, a close relative of deer, mark its territory with tears. Thinking of them thinking of heartbreaking things to bring up tears is what one just can’t handle. This is how their parents have been doing and so they keep the tradition going on.