I Don’t Like Myself 
In the case of birds, self-confidence gets negative scores. They show their dislikeness by beating themselves. Researchers have stated that birds hit themselves in the windows because they are angry with themselves. Now, when you see a bird near the window you will feel sad not because it is hurt but because it wanted to get hurt.
Sweats Uncontrollably
Everyone have sweat issues but horses are just winning the game. In less than an hour, horses can sweat one-gallon bucket. Why do they sweat like a teenage guy who is asking his first crush out for a movie? Well, the answer is more scientific and we’ll leave it on the science to give their explanation but that’s a lot of sweat anyway!
Just To Spend Time With Hoomans
People posts videos of their dogs watching TV with so much interest. What they don’t know is the fact that pooches really doesn’t care about the TV, they are more amused by the attention that their hoomans watch TV with. They sit with you watching TV just to spend time with you! They are possessive and might bark when they see other dogs on the TV. This explains that why humans don’t deserve dogs.
Shave Me To Save Me
Very few people know about this that shaving sheep’s wool is actually saving their lives. Their wool grows and grows it never stops growing. In case, a sheep’s wool isn’t shaved, it’ll not be able to bear the weight after an extent and fell and eventually die because of starvation.
What will you do if your leg is caught in a trap? Wait for someone? Or die if nobody shows up? Well, if you learn from the wolves, they’ll give you a smart lesson; chew your leg off. Wolves do that. When they won’t see any other way to get out they chew it off to survive.
I Cry… A Lot
There’s again a scientific reason behind it. Roadrunners cry a lot and that’s to get rid of the excess sodium in their bodies. Even if it is natural part of their lives it makes us sad that someone has to cry and cry just to keep themselves alive.