ATM For Ants
This bank knows how to please their customers. And the tagline of the bank must be, “We know handling money can be heavy, so sit down while taking it out.” They say you should not let anybody see your password but this bank doesn’t believe in that because nobody put their money in this bank, because the ATMs are so difficult to find.
No, It Is Not Amazing!
The guy who created this puzzle must be feeling really proud after creating the toughest puzzle. He knows the value of time and for the sake of the people, he made this. You don’t have to spend your precious time here because even he did not.
Education Is Must!
Getting a degree in “Jurnalism” is not easy. There is only one guy who managed to get it. The degree is so valuable that today, he has this job of printing the text on the trophies and shields. Even he has one award after passing his “Jurnalism” major from “Youseless Unaversaty”.