Dam Damn!

On an average, a dam takes more than 5 years to get completed and don’t forget the huge amount of money that goes into building it. We are sure even this dam demanded the same amount of time and money. But somebody wasn’t happy about the dam and instead decided to give people this! We have no idea how they will fix it. It looks really scary and funny at the same time.

Not The Ad He Was Going For

Not The Ad He Was Going For

This real estate guy asked the advertisement company to make him talk of the town and we think they did a fine job. What do you think? This is a classic 101 way to ruin somebody’s image. What were these advertisement people even thinking to put his face that too on windows of the bus that can be opened? You turned this smart looking man into lost brother from Alvin and The Chipmunks. At least his hair is on point.

That’s Not How Giraffes Work

That’s Not How Giraffes Work

Looking at the prints on his body it may look like a giraffe but don’t they have a long neck instead of long legs. It seems like somebody put giraffe’s face on a monkey’s body. What were you trying to do? Choices are everything in life. And the creator of this we don’t know what was really confused. Take a look at the picture of this creation which scared away so many kids in the store. How difficult it was to long neck instead of long legs. It’s not rocket science.

No, No It Isn’t

No, No It Isn’t

No, we are not as critical as we may look. But FYI Mr. Whosoever wrote this, “stressed” spelled backward is actually “desserts”. And ” Tressed” spelled backward is “dessert” and we have no idea what does “tressed” mean. And to be clear, we don’t need a dessert or tressed in times of stress, all we want the problem to get the hell out of our way so we can enjoy our desserts without being stressed. FIX IT! We haven’t said it for so long but this was the limit. Dude, You had one job.

Jesus Was Working Today

Jesus Was Working Today

Miracle! Miracle! Water was turned into wine. This time not by Jesus but by a store. The store might be going in a loss and this guy found out the way to bring more people into the store. And when the people heard about the store selling wine at the cost of water. Phew! what a crowd. Excellent work! You managed to bring so many people into the store at the cost of your job. Now, this guy can add this act of creativity in his resume.

Nothing Can Touch Me

You Had One Job

This guy created a small island for ants. He must be an animal lover judging by the work he was given. Just imagine the situation where you are stuck in this place (not by choice). What a view! Water everywhere and you also forgot to bring your ship. Now your whole life is sinking in front of your eyes. Oh! wait, it can’t because he did not do his job properly.