It’s A Bit Tac-y
Here we have an all-new Tic-Tac mint fresh with a secret flavor. But it’s not for everyone. Only a chosen one can have it. We wish the guy who did it gets to be the lucky one. We think he wanted to add little spice to his work life and he came up with this brilliant idea. The idea that changed his life forever. With being an employee of the month he even was raised to manager post ( we are kidding). With his due paycheck, he must have received the resignation letter. Poor soul. You know what to say.
Well, We Covered His “Main” Face
Who is the biggest fan of John Cena? It must be this guy or it can be the photographer who took this ” you can’t see him” photo. But dude, we still can. God knows what this guy did that he has to hide his beautiful face from the world. Beautiful? You ask. Because we can still see you. But we still can be sure about why the photographer blurred his face. Fun activity: Try making your pupil wider while focusing on this man’s face you will be able to make up his face ( not that clearly).
That’s Not What Anonymous Means
The source-journalist relationship is very important. The source trusts the journalist before giving up some valuable information. And there are few journalists who even go to jail for not giving up source’s name in the court. But this journalist doesn’t care about anything. All he wants his article to get published. Tom specifically told him to keep his name out of it but this journalist knew about other journalists landing up in jail, so he saved the time of the court. Nice work ethics.
Harder Than Sophie’s Choice
After seeing this signboard we can be sure what is the safest mode of transport. It’s a bicycle. You might have seen while traveling on the road that buses have their own lanes. This guy knew the suffering of people who travel by cars and he gave them this lane. Drive your car on water and don’t worry about traffic lights because they have none. Or maybe this guy is from the future. Whoever you are this is 2018, not 2058.
Don’t Touch Me
“Hey, sink listen.” “Yes, soap dispenser.” “The guys keep coming and touch me everytime they are near you and still you didn’t do anything.” “No worries, I won’t let them push you again.” If non-living things could talk like in the movies then we are sure this would have been the conversation between the sink and soap dispenser. And the guy who did this must have been a fan of cartoon movies. We mean, How? Why? What?
Citrus Is Citrus
When life gives you lemons, you make? What? Did you say lemonade? It’s WRONG. You make orange juice. So next time you hear someone saying this quote, don’t forget to correct them. We agree both lemon and orange comes from the family but they are NOT the same. Stop making things difficult for the people they are already struggling. We haven’t said it since we started, but can’t control it anymore. You had just one job!