Love For Trains
This sign was created years back if you look closely you can’t make out what this protest going on for. But what catches the eye is this young boy lifting up the sign. Though there are just 3 words in it, the sign seems to express the emotions of the boy. It clearly depicts how much he likes trains. What makes the reader laugh is his innocence which many people seem to capture in their cameras. We want more young lads like him!
Treat It Like Your Own
The way we look after our houses, we should be concerned about our planet too. The environment that we are living in is certainly not the one we will want our kids to be in. There are numerous occasions where scientists have warned us about the change that is prevailing right now. Here, Sir Richard Branson is taking charge of showing us where we are going wrong.
Brits On March
British are known for their calm nature, they are the ones who would rather sit down and talk than to start bombing on the other countries. The sign that the man is holding says “I’m a British, I’m on a March. Things must be really bad”. It clearly depicts that things must have gone really out of hands that they have come on the roads.
Not A Sign Guy
You can analyze that something bad must have happened that a guy who generally doesn’t carry a sign feels a need to do so. Something might have disturbed him so much that he had gone on a street to talk about the things he is passionate about. This gives a clear depiction that how masses hit the road when something really affects them.
You go, Boy!
Generally, when the march is women-centric you would rarely see a man holding a sign. But this photo should be an inspiration to all the men out there, who thinks that it is not their job to stand beside the women and raise their voice against the injustice. The picture seems to depict that it is freezing winter and snow must be torturing Ian McKellen, the old man in the photo enough not to talk about his diseases and joints. Still, he is on the roads to support women.
Danger Ahead
This is different from all the danger signs that you must have seen till now. No doubt whatever thing it hides must be pretty dangerous and we hope that Mind Flayers were not hiding behind it. Because if they were it would have caused havoc for sure. But whatever is hidden must be pretty dangerous that they have put up such a sign. So unless you want to have fatal little roadside production, do not touch the board.