No Horn Okay Please
There are certain countries in which it is a serious crime to toot a horn until there is some serious emergency. It is believed that people blow horns either when they have anger issues or they are stuck in bad traffic. This makes it funnier. Hopefully, it will make them blow horn less on the road because who wants a quarrel with the policeman just for honking the horn.
Witty Warnings
Anyone can recognize hipsters with their well-groomed beards and tight-fitting clothes who mainly come from modern, fancy and vibrant cities. These sorts of people are least welcomed in many restaurants because of their arrogant nature. The sign describes the hipster in rather a quirky way and at the same time tries to be politically correct. This sign clearly indicates that shoppers love to have customers but hipsters are not welcome.
Regular Is Boring
There are cities with great historical landmarks that tell the story of the place and national significance. Therefore, such signs are put up to explain what happened at that significant point of time. But it seems like the people of the city were fed up with these regular signs of “if you can’t fight them, join them” and replaced it with the witty sign. This signifies that for the native people every land has significance even if nothing significant might have happened.
The Non-Drying Paint
We all know how difficult is to make a stubborn child obey you and come on we all have been there. It becomes a task to restrain kids from ending up doing something stupid. Today’s kids are way ahead of time so they can’t be tricked simply. Whoever had made this sign might be very intelligent to put up an idea of non-drying paint to restrain kids from touching the fence.
Vivid Caution Signs
While most of the people would associate this sign as a warning that there’s a steep hill ahead. But a tourist who might not have visited this place yet may get the impression that this city might make people depressed and hence the sign is put up to warn people to visit it at their own risk. But we hope that people in the city are fine and welcoming and the sign is just to depict the steep road.
Master Plan
This sign should be awarded for being a masterpiece in advertising as it uses the concept of zombies very skillfully and intelligently. On the other side, it indicates that even boring work and signs can be molded into a witty one with a pinch of humor. We all know that the concept of Zombies is imaginary but filmmakers have been using it to scare and humor people from ages and this might have struck into the mind of the creator of this sign. Hope it would make the customers laugh and also increase his sales.