Never Get Your Phone Confiscated
It can become very annoying for a teacher if someone is using a mobile in the class. When this boy got back his phone from confiscation, the lock screen wallpaper was changed so was the password. Seems they are teasing the poor boy.
The Teacher With A Snappy Comeback
This person shared a conversation of a fellow classmate with his teacher. The teacher seems to be a funny guy. He had the best response. Next time beware before you show attitude to a teacher who can counter you with sarcasm.
High School Hormones
A lot of love birds flock together across the school and sometimes it gets difficult for the administrators to be mute witnesses. A teacher decided to have some fun with these love couples. They must have been horrified to look at this. Ashamed enough not to roam around the school hand in hand.
A Teacher With A Special Request
Every question paper must have a question like this. Might help the weaker pass. Only the students really desperate for some extra marks would dare to actually take this up. What if this was only a joke. All that embarrassment for nothing?
The Ol’ Eyesight Ain’t What It Used To Be
Bad handwriting is something that really bothers the teacher while examining an answer sheet. Sometimes they go through hell to check it. Other times they just give up but not without embarrassing the student enough. I wonder how much the student must have demanded.
Teachers Are So Sarcastic
I would just mark a big zero for an answer like this but we have a sarcasm king in the house. The teacher couldn’t let the student escape with a zero. He had to do something that would be on par with the stupidity of the student. This doodle would work.