Have you wondered what those big containers on the highway are carrying?  Paint, Frozen Fish, Small Piglets, and so many other things. There’s one way you could know if they spilled whatever is inside. But sometimes they choose a busy highway to do so and things turn bad.  These things happen pretty often and out of the hundreds of such incidents, here are the top 50 cargo spills that gave us a barrel of laughs.

 A McMess In Southern California

You might think McDonald’s french fries spilled on the freeway wouldn’t seek the attention of health-conscious Californians but even they couldn’t resist their appetites when it happened. A truck full of fries spilled the content in the middle of the road and the best part was that the fries were frozen, and all the pedestrians had to do was stock it up in their refrigerator and enjoy at their leisure.

Not really into salty treats? Our next spill will break your heart.

Image result for mc donalds fries spilled from cargo

A Road Made Of Chocolate

Remember, how everyone’s childhood dream was to visit Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory? Or to drive on a road made of chocolate? Then you got to be in Poland because that’s where a truck full of chocolates rolled over and filled the highway with 12 tons of chocolate which of course melted in the heat or by the burning hearts of people driving on the road.

Yes, it hurts when we see so much chocolate wasted. To add the fun, firefighters were called on the scene to melt the chocolate away so it could be cleaned swiftly. 

Holy Mackeral, Literally

It is only a coincidence that two of the most delicious and stinky spills happened in Poland. The chocolate spill being a beautiful dream, the second one was not so welcomed. In 2012, a truck carrying loads of fish spilled it in the middle of a highway and the smell traveled fast enough for people to change their route.

What was similar in both these spills was that the highway was blocked for hours so that the cleaning could be done. 

A Classic Hit And Beer Run

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This might as well be the most disheartening spill on the list. Roads of the Netherlands actually would have become HIGH-way after this incident. A truck carrying cases of beer lost balance(might be because it was carrying BEER) and 2,184 cases of the liquid spilled onto the freeway.

An officer on duty said it seemed like a ‘sea of beer’. While most of the bottles couldn’t endure the shock and broke some were lucky to be picked up by passers-by. 

Driving On The Skittles Rainbow

For those who love candies, this was a disaster. Though these candies were deemed unfit for human consumption and were being transported to be used as a cattle feed having a look at this did break our heart. The surprising fact though was that the container was carrying only red colored sweeties. The reason for the spill was that it was raining and the water seeped through these boxes and as a result melted the candies sending a river of this sugary delight on the roads. 

Deadpool Would Approve Of This Spill

Not every spill in the list litters the road but they are as exciting. If you are a Comic Fan and you love Marvel’s Deadpool, 2016 could have been a rewarding year. A truck carrying Deadpool comics and other animated books alongside was hit by another truck and let out its collection.

If I told you that this happened around the time when the first installment of Deadpool was about to release, you might think this to be a publicity stunt but believe me it wasn’t.