The Copper Scroll Treasure
Amongst all the dead scrolls that were discovered the most famous is the Copper Scroll upon which is engraved the location of a treasure that is supposed to be full of riches and invaluable items. The Scroll is displayed in a museum in Jordan, but the thing that is yet to be found remains the treasure whose location is engraved on the scroll. Many scholars believe that the treasure mentioned in the scroll is fictional and not real.
The Crown Jewels Of Ireland
Don’t you get fooled by the name of this jewelry!
This was not a crown but instead, these were a collection of a lot of jewels that consisted of a diamond brooch and various other priceless items like gemstones that belonged to Queen’s Charlotte personal jewelry, stones from the Order of the Bath Badge, and precious gems from the Mughal Empire and the Sultan of Turkey. These jewels were stolen in 1907 and we still don’t know where these jewels reside.
The Florentine Diamond
The Hapsburg family of Austria possessed a 133-carat rare pink gemstone, a Florentine Diamond. At the end of World War I, the royal family was overthrown and with the intention of keeping the diamond safe, the family trusted its lawyer to keep it a safety deposit box at a Swiss Bank.
The family had in mind a plan to sell the diamond and reap a huge amount of profit but their lawyer was found guilty of fraud and theft, but before that, the diamond was long gone. People believe that it was divided into smaller pieces, but no proof for the same exists.
The Just Judges
The Just Judges is one of the panels of a very large altarpiece, the Ghent Altarpiece and was painted by Hubert and Jan van Eyck, who were brothers around the 15th century. The Just Judges panel has been missing since its theft in 1934 and no one has any clue about its whereabouts.
George Mallory’s Lost Camera
You might think that the first person to reach the summit of Everest is Edmund Hillary. But what if I say that you might be wrong. What if I say there might be a chance that two people did this before Edmund Hillary?
George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappeared while they were attempting to summit Mount Everest. A storm came when they were almost near the top and after that, no one knows whether they reached the top or not. Mallory body was discovered but Irvine’s body still remains missing along with Mallory’s camera which could give us the proof that whether they reached the top or not.
Dead Bishop’s Treasure
São Vicente started its voyage from Lisbon to Avignon which was carrying a treasure that belonged to a deceased Bishop Thibaud de Castillon. However, before it could reach its destination the ship was attacked two pirate ships and the treasure was all stolen. One of the ships which were captained by Antonio Botafoc was captured, but no one had any idea what happened to the other ship which was commanded by Martin Yanes or its crew or the treasure.