Aztec Sacrifices
Sacrificial festivals are one of the things that the Aztec peoples were known for. Around 2004 this theory was confirmed by a discovery made in the Mexico city where it is believed that the Aztec people resided. In Aztecs, it was believed that the sacrifice is necessary to keep the Gods happy and not let them unleash their fury on the humans.
Coso Artifact
Found near the town of Olancha, California in 1961 is an artifact that is claimed by the discoverers to be a spark plug. The ones who found it claims it to be encased in a rock or lump of hard clay. Spark Plugs were introduced in the 19th century and examiners say it would be scientific and a historical anomaly if it was encased in a rock that is touted to be 500,000 years old.
Tamam Shud Case
On 1st December 1948, an unidentified dead man wound up on the Somerton Beach. To date, no one is able to trace his identity and no one has a clear explanation as to how that guy wound up on that beach that day. However, the real mystery started when a piece of paper was found in his pocket with ‘Tamam Shud’ written on it which translates to “It is ended”.
Giant Finger Of Egypt
A grave robber in 1988 found a finger that is about 38 centimeters in length. While the scientists suggest that it is impossible that something like this could exist, there are photographs and it has been X-rayed and hence there is no doubt about its authenticity. But does that mean giants existed?
Thor’s Hammer
You read it right. It’s Mjöllnir and you need not be worthy to lift this hammer.
This artifact belongs to the 10th century and is related to Norse Mythology. According to Norse Mythology, the hammer belongs to the Norse God Thor, who is related to lightning and thunder, and you probably know a lot about him already.
The Quipu Of Caral
Caral was a chief city that represents one of the oldest civilizations in America. While excavation archeologists found a series of knotted strings known as Quipu, these strings were colorful strings spun together which was used to record things like Tax Collection, Census, and many other things.