Whenever we think that we know a lot about our ancestors and their way of living, we are found in the company of these artifacts, some of which are from several decades ago whose mysteries still remain unsolved. We should take a look at some of these artifacts found by the archeologists, that are still brainstorm for researchers as they can not figure out their mysterious nature.
Humans always have a thing for what is beyond their understanding. It’s the inquisitive nature of ours, that finds them looking answers even for the questions that are way beyond our understanding.
The Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone
This stone was found in 1872 by the workers who were digging a hole for a fence post. It was found in Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. Some researchers claim it as a thunderstone, while others say that the engravings upon it “commemorates a treaty between two tribes”. But to this day no one’s sure as to what is this stone.
The Shroud Of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is supposed to be the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a mystical object, but it was a mere medieval manuscript at first until a photographic negative of this piece of linen revealed something else, something mysterious. The negative showed that the lined had images of a tortured body and the man who is revealed in the negative is believed to be none other than The Jesus.
Ulfberht Viking Swords
What is so mysterious in a bunch of swords with “+VLFBERHT+” engraved on it?
The mystery that still baffles the researchers is the process used in making them, which was almost discovered 8 centuries later. The secret recipe used in making these swords was adding an adequate amount of carbon in steel and removing impurities from them by heating them at 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, a process which was not discovered till then.
The Crone Statue
This statue was found in the Catskills Mountains by a group of hikers and they soon regretted the decision of taking it back with them. The statue consisted of nails in its eyes and noose around its neck. The hikers who took it back with them were haunted by it. And it was soon reported by the hikers that it started moving from one place to another on its own. It is still a mystery as to where this statue came from.
Sumerian King List
This tablet was one of the most intriguing artifacts that have been recovered from sites in Iraq. It lists the names of the kings of Sumer. Kingship is seen in the tablet as being handed down by God. The most baffling thing is the period of the reigns of the kings which stretch up to thousands of years.
Antikythera Mechanism
The Sherlock Holmes inside of you might deduce it to be some mysterious compass. You aren’t entirely wrong. Found in a shipwreck off the Greek Island of Antikythera, this 2000 years old artifact is often proclaimed as the world’s first scientific calculator. It has dozens of gears which can give you the exact position of almost everything in our solar system, all you have to do is input the date in it.