A Gift
Natalie wanted her birth mother to know that she had not made any mistake by giving her to her adoptive parents. Estellita had spent two decades regretting and Natalie did not want that guilt to linger on in her anymore. Through the scrapbook, she showed her birth mother how much Rodgers loved her and catered to all her needs. Estellita had made the right decision.
No Regrets
It was a very emotional day for Estellita. Tears rolled down her cheek when she saw the scrapbook. Before meeting Natalie, Estellita always regretted giving her daughter up for adoption but when she saw her the woman realized that she had done good work. Her daughter was brought up beautifully.
Guest’s Reaction
When they met, nobody could believe that they were meeting for the first time. They knew very much about each other and were quite comfortable. There was no awkwardness between them. In fact, it was difficult to say that they had spent two decades of their lives apart.
Natalie and Estellita shared a lot of resemblances. Many of their habits were the same. They had the same likes, dislikes, hobbies, and passion. Can you believe it? Blood relations can never be forgotten. The mother and daughter were meant to be met maybe that is why despite having closed adoption Natalie managed to find her.
Hope’s Reaction
Hope was enjoying that remarkable moment very much. The sisters are very fond of each other. Cunningham said, “I knew one day Murg would be able to see her daughter.” “They didn’t skip a beat. Rodgers fit right in like she should have been there her whole life,” they said. She added, “The reunion was such an emotional moment. Murg feels whole again.”
Only Best
So what does Hope think about Estellita decision? Hope who was a teenager then stated, “[Murg] knew she wanted her [child] to have a better life. She struggled with it; these are not easy decisions, but she wanted what was best for her daughter.”