Anita knew that. It was why when Natalie told her that she felt an urge to tell her the truth. The woman did not stop herself and finally told Natalie about her adoption. However, Anita could not tell much about her biological mother as she herself was not aware.
Natalie’s Decision
It was indeed a big blow for Natalie but instead of crying, she decided to find her biological mother. Natalie had a new purpose and she was going to fulfill it at any cost. However, the journey was going to be very difficult as the adoption was a secretive and closed one.
Sealed And Closed
In closed adoption details of the biological mother are kept sealed. The adoptive family and the birth family makes no interaction with each other. Moreover, no identifying information is given to adoptive families or birth families. It is a very secretive way of adoption.
Despite the hurdles, Natalie decided to embark on this quest as she really wanted to know about her biological mother. She wanted to ask her why did she leave her and moreover, she was living a good and blissful life. But was she ever going to meet her biological mother?
No Headway
She tried to elicit some information from the adoption center but they refused to cooperate. However, after constant persuasion by Natalie, the center provided her with significant information that took her straight to Estellita. No doubt, her search had made significant progress but was it ever going to find its end? Her mother did not live in the same city as her. How was she going to contact her?
Hello Mother
Natalie was very happy about finding her. At least she knew her name now. The woman decided to look her up on social media. And eventually, she managed to find her on Facebook. She had to stalk many social accounts to find hers. Once she was confirmed it’s her, she decided to do something really courageous.