Flower Complications
If ever you catch yourself under the spell of someone while in Russia and you want to gift them some flowers, there is something you must always keep in mind. The flowers that you hand them must always be an odd number. This is a tradition that has been passed on by the former Soviet country. Even for funerals, the odd number of flowers are always used.
No Doorway Hand Shakes
If you meet a Russian for the first time, you will obviously be shaking their hands. This is something that most people all over the world practice. But make sure you never give a handshake to a Russian under a doorway. There is a superstition in Russia that shaking hands under a doorway leads to enmity between the two parties and is a bad omen. So just avoid this in Russia.
The Lungs Of Europe
Russia’s forest has often been compared to that of South America’s rainforest. There is a reason for this. Since both of these forests have been absorbing huge amounts of carbon dioxide, they are often placed together. Because of this important function of theirs, they have been named the lungs of Europe. So in case anything happens to the forest here, Europe would definitely be in big trouble.
New Years
New Years in Russia is definitely the biggest holiday ever. Unlike some countries in the world, you will never find anyone working on a New Years in Russia because the whole country is celebrating. There is a week-long party that takes place in Russia which happens from Christmas till the 7th of January. Most of the days are for partying, gift exchanging and dining but Christmas is usually spent strictly with family.
Russia’s Stock Market
The source of wealth in Russia is by no means tiny. There are a whopping 78 billionaires who live in Moscow. The country has more billionaires than anywhere else in the entire world. That said, Russia’s entire stock market is still lesser than that of Apple. While Russia’s entire stock market is reportedly about $513 billion, Apple alone is approximately worth $652 billion.
The Founders Of Tetris
What comes to your mind when we say the word ‘Tetris’? It would surely teleport you back to the 80s and the huge impact it had during the time of its release by the Nintendo Entertainment System. You would be shocked to know that Tetris is not a Japanese creation, but is actually Soviet Union’s first entertainment software to make it to the United States. The creator is Alexey Pajitnov, a Russian scientist and game developer.