Sea Gangster

This job ad is more of a poster. It was designed for a sushi restaurant who was looking to restaff its business. An attractive and out of the box system, it makes the fish look like someone from the mafia and the slogan goes, “Go ahead and make me into sushi, punk!” The poster was such a hit they ended up receiving hundreds of applicants!
Uncomfortable Job?

This job ad from U.S. Express boasts about the perks of driving for them. The ad says, “Drive the most comfortable rides around. At U.S. Xpress, our teams drive newer trucks with bigger cabs and smooth, easy-riding suspension systems. So if you’re uncomfortable with your current job, call today.” Promising enough for any driver to come knocking at their door.
Prove Your Worth

This billboard puts out an equation that needs to be solved and the answer will give you a web address which in turn will take you to a recruitment page! Such an extensive method for people who may or may not even try to crack the code.

Looking for all the reasons to not work for a company? Look no further because they have listed it down for you already. And if you think you are up to the challenge, then go ahead and apply. This ad may look like it didn’t attract any applicant because of it’s brutal honesty but the responses spoke for themselves.