#04. Higher Risk
Myth: With advanced and new treatment breast cancer can be cured.
Fact: Breast cancer can be treated but not cured completely. When detected at an early stage, a person can live a healthy long life.
#03. American Cancer Society
Myth: You are not at risk for breast cancer.
Fact: Usually people have a higher risk of breast cancer than they actually think. Being a woman is enough to increase the risk. Every 1 in 8 women in the U.S. has is about to be diagnosed with breast cancer.
#02. Funding For Researches
Myth: Your Senators and Members of Congress don’t play any role in breast cancer researches.
Fact: We pay taxes and a good amount of money is spent on breast cancer research.
#01. Always Getting Better
Myth: All the breast cancer researches being held across the globe are helping to improve the process and cure the disease.
Fact: All the research that is going on doesn’t guarantee positive results.
In the end, all we have to tell you is to stay aware and know your body! It’s always great to get check-ups done and not to rely on internet source.