Stuart Collett- Another Survivor
This picture features another survivor, Stuart Collett. Though he managed to survive the tragedy, memories of it haunted him for a very long time. Scaringly, about 1,517 people lost their lives in the accident.
Titanic’s Orphans
Meet Edmond Navratil, 2 years old (on the right) and Michel, 4 years old (on the left). These famous brothers are known as Titanic’s orphans as their father died while journeying on Titanic.
Welcoming Survivors
England’s coast, Millbay Docks, Plymouth welcomed those who managed to survive the shipwreck. Not to mention, they all looked extremely tired and their faces clearly were expressing their inner state. Some of them still could not believe what they just had experienced.
White Star
White Star used to be a prime shipping company whose popularity raised during the end of the 19th century and starting of the 20th century. The company had half of the Titanic in its possession. This picture shows a crowd standing right in front of the company’s offices. This picture was taken immediately after people learned about the catastrophe.
Just imagine the grief of families of those who lost their lives on what was suppose to be an amazing journey. This picture though old and colorless brought many emotions to light. The attendees had tears in their hope-filled eyes. They did not know if their loved ones were alive or not. They just thronged the place with hope.
Still Waiting
You can see a sea of people here. The place only got stuffed with worried people with time. They all were waiting for their family. Some went home happily whereas some found their home destroyed forever.