So, here is that giant iceberg that broke the unsinkable ship to pieces. This photo might make your heart skip a beat. This photo of the iceberg was captured by Prinz Adalbert, ship’s officials. It was taken on April 15th, 1912.
Causing Ripple
Everybody knew that this event was going to cause ripple all over the world. But nobody had any idea that memories of it would linger even after centuries. Here we have one of a few rescue photos. You can see survivors sailing away from shipwrecks to a safer place.
United By Pain
If you see the picture carefully you would notice that all of the survivors on the lifeboat are staring in one direction. Well, they are witnessing the fall of the ship into the ocean. It must have been a heart-rendering moment.
In Two Pieces
By 2:20 am whole of Titanic had gone down after breaking into two parts. Though the authorities tried their best to send help as soon as possible. It still took them two hours. After a couple of hours, Carpathia that was near the site came to the rescue of scared passengers.
Picture Of Agony
The disaster had stripped some of their lives and some of their peace. Even though this small family made out of the catastrophe, their eyes clearly express the pain.
Mother Daughter
Not all passengers died in this unfortunate incident. Some managed to survive also. Marjorie and her mother Charlotte Collyer were one of those few lucky people. However, they could not erase the memories.