Tough Luck

Finding someone on social media was not as easy as it looked, at least not for Gerrell. He went on different platforms and searched for A. Trusler but to his disappointment, he could not find any leads. He did not plan on quitting though, because he had not checked Facebook yet.
Finding Alan

To his relief, there were not many A. Trusler’s on Facebook. Gerrell was able to find a man named Alan Trusler who lived in Colville, Washington. He was an old man, maybe in his late 50s. One thing was for sure, Gerrell did not know this man at all. And he could not be associated with the McAllister family in any way. Gerell was about to reach out to him when he saw a facebook post he added less than 10 hours ago.
The Facebook Post

The post was about his daughter, Melissa Trusler, who just turned 30. He was wishing her lots of love and happiness. As Gerrell’s eyes roamed across those words, his brain began to click. He remembered there was some attachment to the mail. Things started to make sense all of a sudden, he quickly went to see his PayPal mail again, this time knowing what to look for.
Birthday Present

Gerrell read the message that appeared on his screen. It was a birthday message from a father to his daughter. “Happy Birthday Melissa! I know how much you wanted that couch for your home, so here is a little something for you. Enjoy your day, my love! Love, Dad” Things came into perspective for Gerrell immediately. Melissa’s dad had accidentally sent him the money he was supposed to gift his daughter.
Mr. Trusler’s Mistake

About 300 miles northeast of Takoma, Alan Trusler was cursing himself for doing something so unbelievably stupid. Melissa, his daughter, was going to turn 30. He wanted to buy her something she would love but 29 birthdays later, he was all out of ideas. He remembered her talking about this couch she really wanted for her place in Seattle and then it clicked him. He could send her the money she needed for the couch and that way she could get what she wanted.
Meet Melissa

Melissa Trusler was turning 30 in a few weeks. A new resident of Seattle, Melissa was busy for the past couple of weeks decorating her new apartment. After losing her brother 5 months ago, Melissa couldn’t stay in the same house anymore. So she decided to move out and start a new life.