Still No Word

Gerrell waited for his wife’s call in hopes that she will have answers. Meanwhile, he kept picking at his brain to get some idea who it could be. Was it someone his mother used to know? But that can’t be the case, his mother didn’t have many friends and if she was owed any kind of money she would have told him or his brother.
The Phone Call

Gerrell’s phone started ringing in his pocket. It was his wife. He hurriedly answered the phone. To his disappointment, she didn’t find out anything. They had not lent any money to anyone. Gerrell was even more confused and overwhelmed than ever. He didn’t know who to ask or what to do.
The Idea

Gerrell realized he was so surprised to see the message that said “You’ve got money” that seeing the amount alone had made him close the screen and shove his phone away. Maybe the message itself could reveal where the money came from. Maybe it is some long lost relative who happened to give him some fortune.
The Mail

Gerrell took out his phone and went to check the mail he received from PayPal. He always struggled with using his mail app. The words were too tiny to read by his weakened eyesight and it looked too cluttered. He managed to find the mail, his eyes squinted to read a name that didn’t belong to him, A. Trusler.
Finding The Man

Gerrell put his phone aside. A. Trusler was not a name he had heard before. And what did A stand for? Alex? Adam? Was it someone from his old workplace? Gerrell closed his eyes and tried to remember if he knew anyone by that name. He called his wife again thinking maybe she will know someone with that name. But alas, no clue. Gerrell could feel his head beginning to hurt by this point.
Social Media Search

Gerrell thought of the one idea every millennial thinks of when they have to look for something; internet. he decided he is going to search for this name on different social media platforms and find this person. Things could only go two ways from there, either he will recognize the person or he won’t. If he didn’t recognize him, he could reach out to them and ask why they have sent him money.