Manganese Balls

Whenever you are playing and you lose your ball or cannot get your hands on one due to any reason then you don’t need to go search on stores for the ball. All you have to do is dive deep so that you would reach the bottom of the Pacific ocean.
Pacific Ocean
I know that it sounded like an irrational solution but the floor of the Pacific Ocean is filled with the Manganese balls. When the researchers dived to the bottom of the ocean they came across balls of different shapes and sizes that were made up of Manganese.
Case Reopened
Many cases remain a mystery for a lifetime and then there are cases like this one!
A case that left all the police department brainstorming but still they could not figure out what happened in the case and where did the people vanish.
A Car
In Okhama lake the police using sonar technology found something at the bottom of the lake and when they further investigated the thing they had to reopen a case that was shut almost 40 years ago. They ended up with a car at the bottom of the lake.